Hello See’s Candies MOTHER'S DAY Influencers and Agents
We’re looking forward to having you create some beautiful content for See’s Mother's Day Holiday. The focus candy is $70 of product from Mother’s Day/Spring collection will be handpicked for you . https://www.sees.com/mothers-day-gifts
Upcoming Dates:
4/6 - Please fill out your PRODUCT ORDER HERE
4/18 - Product Ships
4/20 - Product Arrives
4/14 - NEW! Submit your content idea for approval via email to Concierge@WhinkCreative.Agency
4/17 - 4/27 - Once your content is approved and completed, Upload your files into your Google Drive folder. We will not accept submissions to third party drives or Box accounts, you must use this one.
4/18 - 4/29 - CAMPAIGN LIVE
5/2 - 5/6 - Input metrics into Influence Kit
5/9 - Send invoices to Accounting@WhinkCreative.Agency
This campaign will promote See’s springtime and Mother’s Day products and inspire people to make Mother’s Day special by celebrating with See’s. From the summer she schlepped you to space camp, to all four of your goth years - mom has always supported you. But it turns out her efforts weren’t entirely altruistic. This Mother’s Day, we’ll playfully suggest that there’s always been something in it for mom - a box of See’s Candies. We would like you to create a social post from mom’s POV that provides relatable instances of times mom “did it for the See’s.”
Increase brand affinity and inspire customers to celebrate Mother’s Day with See’s. Encourage customers to gift their mother, mother figure, grandmother, etc. See’s for Mother’s Day.
Engagement, Clicks, Shares, Saves, Swipe Ups
Call to Action
Drive to site: https://www.sees.com/mothers-day-gifts
Site Live April 15th
Shares on Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest if applicable
Content Guidelines
Organic content featuring items from our Spring/Mother’s Day collection that encourages people to celebrate Mother’s Day with See’s. The content should showcase positive connection and feelings towards the brand and inspire customers to celebrate with See’s.
Content Guidelines/Requirements:
Please do not include any other food items or showcase other brand logos except See’s. If product selected is enclosed in box, ensure contents of package are easily visible as shown in examples below. Primary content should include human element (ex: holding product and smiling, hand in shot, etc.). Content of solely products can be included as secondary images, videos, or stories.
Only use royalty free music that you have rights to.
Overall look and feel of content should be bright, upbeat and evoke feelings of happiness.
Sponsored Content Checklist
See your individual contract for negotiated deliverables
1 In-feed Instagram post (reels preferred, but not required)
See’s product + human element must be in image
Tag @seescandies, use #SeesCandies, #IDIDITFORTHESEES, and #ad in caption
Use Tag Collaborator option on Instagram
Note: Invite Collaborator Tags do NOT carry over from Drafts you will need to re-tag upon posting
3 IG Stories (3 frames)
Include swipe up link/sticker to See’s link (https://www.sees.com/mothers-day-gifts) in each frame
Tag @seescandies
Use hashtag #ad in caption
Optional: We love posts with multiple images/videos to swipe through
Optional: Include link to see’s website link (https://www.sees.com/mothers-day-gifts) in bio for 24 hours and call out link in bio in your caption
Upload your Creative including a Google Doc of your caption, and a Cover Image of your Reel if applicable, to your Google Folder 48 hours prior to your live date. Email Concierge@WhinkCreative.Agency once uploaded.
Syndicate on TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, & Pinterest if available
You must submit your creative idea for approval prior to shooting. Email description is fine. Send to Concierge@WhinkCreative.Agency
Once your content is approved and shot, upload your Creative including a Google Doc of your caption, and a Cover Image of your Reel if applicable, to your Google Folder 48 hours prior to your live date. Email Concierge@WhinkCreative.Agency when it’s uploaded. Don’t post until you have approval.
Messaging examples:
Today marks 10 years of being a soccer mom. The full minivan, countless weekend games and hundreds of sliced oranges have definitely paid off. Mom’s not sharing her See’s today! #IDIDITFORTHESEES #seescandies Gift mom the reward she deserves this Mother’s Day at your local See’s shop or online at sees.com (link in bio)!
5 consecutive years of making dinner and then cleaning 90% of it off the floor is worth it for this box of decadent, chocolatey goodness. #IDIDITFORTHESEES #seescandies Thank mom for all she’s done for you this Mother’s Day with only the best at your local See’s shop or online at sees.com (link in bio)!
I didn’t go to every mall in the city to look for the perfect prom dress for nothing. #IDIDITFORTHESEES #seescandies Let Mom know she’s the best this Mother’s Day with the best from your local See’s shop or online at sees.com (link in bio)!
Mandatory Messages:
See’s product + human element must be in the image
Tag @seescandies, use #SeesCandies and #IDIDITFORTHESEES in caption copy
Nice to have:
Real traditions with See’s with loved ones
Stories about eating See’s
After you have completed your InfluenceKit metrics send your invoice to Accounting@WhinkCreative.Agency
Ensure you have signed up to InfluenceKit and connected your channels. A Facebook page is required to set up Instagram metrics. Select “YES” when prompted to give Whink Creative ability to upload your deliverables for you. You must sign up for Influence Kit 5 days prior to your content going live to ensure it can pull your Story data.
After you have posted your content go back into Influence Kit and add your links under +Deliverables
Email Concierge@WhinkCreative.Agency if you have any questions.